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15th Annual Golf Outing
September 13, 2024

Join us for our 15th Annual Golf Outing at Glengarry Golf Links, on Friday, September 13th. This is an all day event! Registration begins at 11:00 and Shotgun start at 12:00.
Golfer– $125.00 Includes: 50/50 raffle, basket raffle, putting contest, mulligan, end of event prize ticket, lunch, coffee from Starbucks, ice cream from Latrobe DQ, tea, lemonade, water, dinner, 4 person scramble with cart, and range balls
Foursome– $500.00
Sponsorships Available!
- Lead Sponsor $2,000 includes: 2 foursomes, 2 display signs, 2 dozen golf balls
- Gold Sponsor $1,500 includes: 1 foursome, 1 display sign, 1 dozen golf balls
- Dinner Sponsor $1,000 includes: sign with name/logo in dining room
- Breakfast Sponsor $1,000 includes: sign with name/logo in dining room
- Riding Cart Sponsor $500.00 includes: sign with name/logo on each cart
- Beverage Cart Sponsor $500.00 includes: sign with name/logo on cart
- Putting Contest Sponsor $500.00 includes: sign with name/logo at putting green
- Basket Raffle Sponsor $250.00 includes: sign with name/logo on raffle table
- Silent Auction Sponsor $250.00 includes: sign with name/logo
The above sponsorships also include name/logo on event signage and AFA’s Facebook and website, a full page ad in the program and introduction from the podium.
Hole Sponsor $125.oo includes: sign on golf course and name listed in program
Stop by Action For Animals today to pick up your registration!
We are located at 386 Route 217, Latrobe, PA 15650